... ukawaambie maneno yangu. Ezekiel 3:4



Discipline refers to the behaviors of conditioning and  training your body, mind, and conscious. in other way you can say discipline is the controlling behavior or situation that resulted from training.
But general meaning of body discipline is to train the body’s behavior or situation. That is to put the body temperate in every condition or situation.

When I add the word for Christ the meaning will have either to change or increase tastes.     Body discipline for Christ means training the body in the sense that shall not makes you to lose Christ by observing all things Jesus commanding us to do. Training body has positive relation to spirit onto God, for the bible says Glorify God in your body and spirit (1Corithians 6: 20). In other way the behavior of the body has sides effect for someone to attain Christ or not and therefore should be subjective.
The word training is what makes manipulation of the term disciple, that always disciple is in learning or training under his master. Remember you cannot move from baptism to adult maturity, and no baby born adult….Matthew 28:20

There are two great things to consider.
1. Know who you real are
Knowing who you are! Is life privilege; discipline is the determinant and signs of who are, by yourself, people surroundings you and before the Lord. Disciplining the body add value to your daily life.
What makes someone to certain believe is all about LIFE and RIGHT and Christ is all about life and right. Sure when someone is so seek and his faith is just merely he will not have saying at a time is so seek, whether to God or to witchcrafts he will say yes because is after life. In the family, if daddy is sick, the family is ready to lose everything but to ensure that he is fine. That’s because of the value of human life.

That is certainly similar to the church if ladies will fail to discipline their bodies they will lose their respects from boys, and if boys will fail to discipline their bodies before girls also, they will also lose their respects from ladies. Now if there could be no respects from each other the church could be the house confrontation and shall be broken.
Otherwise ladies will have to go outside the church to find the brothers with respects and that is similar to boys, from there the powerful gospel in the church will be there no more, therefore is someone is turning away from Christ will be difficult from him or her to turn back to the Lord (in the church) because the signs shows that the situation outside the church is not different from that of the church, in other way the foolishness matters outside the church is similar to what is in the church and vice versa.

 The case will be difficult also to those who are not saved coming in the church because they will have no concern to learn from, as there is no difference from where he or she is and that of guys in the church. 

The reason is that, Christianity life and right expected by girl or boys in the church is certainly not the same to Bible context. Therefore any life to them is ok. But obvious the deeper cause came from failure boys and girls in the church knowing their position, as who are they and principles to discipline their bodies.

2. Avoid short cuts/ be tolerant
Malachi 3: 13-18 “…..it is vain to serve God; what profit is it we have kept his ordinance, And that we have walked as mourners before the Lord of host? .......”
The above verse had become the great question to those who serving God with no hope, yes especially young men they think and others frankly and kindly speaks that they don’t see the profits to serve God; others are Christians in the church for long years now. They have lost hope, exactly and they don’t feel even it is worse to speak such kind of words.

Easily profits, blaming, both negative attitude and mentality, environmental complaint, has become young Christian’s song of prayer (prayer point).
Knowing who are you? Shall helps you to delete those degree of foolishness and there will be short cuts no more in your life because the bible exactly says everything has got its time, so far the body power control shall overtaken by the spirit of almighty God, and such ability is given to youthat the body become what you ask it to be.
Body training inspire you with the word of God, and the word of God does not declare anyone of Christ to be poor, but seek first the Kingdom of God and all things shall follow; for all things are yours. Remember: There is God’s profit when someone is tolerant, Malachi 3:16-18.

3. Strong Heart’s purpose to conquer sinful nature
Body discipline is to purpose in heart that your body life shall give worthy to the Lord, not only spirit but your body also.
Body discipline for Christians is beyond cloth, though cloth also play very great role on Christians discipline, praises and worship teams has backsliding God, what they sing and what they live is quite different. Normally people tend to ask them question about how they cloth, but simply says God is not more concerning with cloth but saving soul

To put your body under subjection that is discipline, not under things but things under you. Not controlled by people but temperate according to what inner power speaks in you about the case, this is what I mean; a human life per day is under God guidance and Holy Ghost time table, therefore train your body to know and humble you time table.

Body discipline is to speak, ask and command your body and knows it whenever sense good or bad behavior or situation and before adopting it or when it wants it, make sure permitted by you through Holy Spirit.
If the body think much more about job, carriers, money, education, marriage and any other, the body command will take over you, Example when someone asks you that why you have not gone to church today you say is because no one can serve God without job, because of body indiscipline after job you will be asked the same question and the answers will be, because I’m so busy in the offices, the same applied to the situation before having children and after.

All those shall keep you sin and out against God,
 “Don’t allow your body to be house of excuse.”
 “And train your body not to forget who you real are even if you’re in time of deeper emotion or great desire of job, examination and marriage hardship”.
 By so doing you shall have a power to choose with great tolerant or judgment whether slow or fast upon what to do.

Generally: the body now is revived or motor body has given life from the same Spirit who raised Christ from died.
From three concepts above; body discipline is to live beyond human nature, good Christian posses a characteristic of having Christianity discipline, including body discipline.
Life is complex and complicated when you choose it to be that way, but also simple if you choose it to be that way, therefore the power of choice if what determine your success, don’t FEEL life but make sure you choose life as live is note feelings life also is.
Don’t stop talk to your body in any case, say my body come down, is spirit speaks to you that you are soon to be attacked by heavier spirit, rebuke, command that situation and temperate your body even to change what you were doing or direction to escape from evil against God.
Say I discipline my body everywhere, anywhere, anytime and in any situation.
What makes man fear is not sin but conscious of sin, that has been used as devil’s advantage and weapons to destroy human life. This lead to what pains man’s life is not sin but guilt of sin.

I discipline my body for Christ 1Corinthians 9: 27.


Human body is man’s Housing
A person is not the body, for bible say “before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”….. Jeremiah 1:5

 Example of bank as relate to man’s Housing
               As the bank is the house taking care values inside it, also the body is the house take care the value inside it. Therefore if bank is custodian also Body is custodian.                         So the bank is just the house for what is inside and the really value of the bank is depending from what is inside and the controller of the bank is managers and other workers organization, for the value inside gives him such respect to control (in other way managers are responsible to control the buildings for they are responsible, and managers = value inside; before buildings to be there managers were there; failure to control the buildings values will disappear means managers will also be there not,  by either losing job or kept in prison or die ). So the building is not the bank, before the buildings to be there the value (bank) was there, that means the bank is the values inside.
Ok!!!!! The bank become what managers ask it to be

 This is the same to our body, that the body is not me but the body is a house for me to live inside, because before the body to be there I was present but not revealed Jeremiah 1 : 5, so body is the place where I’m living, as managers I also have responsibility to control the body, because the value inside me (Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ (salvation)) gives respect to me and failure to control the body the spirit will move away and the spirit is my value. Once it goes I either die, or in prison or lose job now how to live…………………………...that means man has a command to make his body real from what he asks it to be.
Ok!!!!! My body becomes what I ask it to be.

Biblical Concepts on the value/ revival of Body.
When someone is born again his life will change from the nature of sin.
From Human nature after sinning
Adam and Eve expelled from Eden because of disobeying God, and from that time the result was death. Absolutely that is natural sin they impacted to every offspring to come after curse, and therefore every child after that time inherited sinful nature. No child shall be taught on how to be selfishness or a liar or anything bad you know, but is naturally born with such behavior because sin. Genesis 3
Fortunately God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ to save the world, that whoever believes in him should not perish but has everlasting. John 3; 16
From that time once somebody is saved (is in Christ) him/her become a new creation, old or past things has done away/passed away all things become new. 2Corinthians 5;17. That means if the child was selfishness, liar or any bad things you ever more experienced, those things according to God accounting point of view are over and done away, a child is now a new baby and all things in him/her are new.

By the Spirit and Body God is Gloried
Romans 8: 9-11
The word of God says when Christian is not of the flesh but is of spirit and if Christ is in man the body has dead because of sin but the spirit is life because of righteousness, but the spirit of God is dwells in man, failure to have spirit of God you’re not of him, once again, that the body is the temple of God. Still says if the same spirit who was living in Christ (spirit was handled correctly with the same spirit we have now thus he gave us)and is that spirit raised him from dead also the same spirit will give life to man’s mortal body
1Corimthians 6: 12-20
Anyone who joined to the Lord is one spirit with him, now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord and the Lord for the body; do you not know that the body is the temple of  Holy Spirit and the spirit is in you, whom you have from God and you are not your own. For you were brought at a price, glorify God in your body and in spirit which are God’s.
Galatians 5:16-16
Walk in spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lust against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one another so that you do not do things that you wish (you don’t have choice there)…..the works of the fresh is…,…,….,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,….. Who practice these will not inherit the kingdom of God. The fruit of spirit is self control (man in has self control which is also to managers) …,…, …,…, …,…,…,…,… and  those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passion and desires. If we live in spirit let us walk in spirit.

ü  Before Christ, the body was under sin. Anything man does was emotionally and all about feelings. But after salvation Christ dwell in and Holy Spirit also. People start partnership with Holy Spirit; become a partaker of divine power/nature, experience internal force of control quite difference from non Christians.
When Holy Spirit dwelling in human body, a Christian experience things changes into life,
He or she live beyond feelings: For instance,     1. you don’t feel like to do something else but you do by anyhow,    2. you don’t feel not to pray but you pray,      3. not talk to God you do.
From there your life is not motivated by feelings but your heart…..Daniel 1: 8.
ü  Anointing is when God come in flesh to do a thing that a flesh does not. When someone is saved his name and nature are automatically changed. He or she will be called Christian, which termed from Christ. That means is anointed person. God anoint us to accomplish his work…….. For man is existing because of God and has no purpose for God, while God does not existing because of man and has a purpose for man, thus man is there to accomplish God’s purpose.

“Don’t allow your body to be house of excuse.”
 “And train your body not to forget who you real are even if you’re in time of deeper emotion or great desire of job, examination and marriage hardship”. By so doing you shall have a power to choose with great tolerant or judgment whether slow or fast upon what to do.
Don’t stop talk to your body in any case, say my body come down, if spirit speaks to you that you are soon to be attacked by heavier spirit, rebuke, command that situation and temperate your body even to change what you were doing or direction to escape from evil against God.
Say I discipline my body everywhere, anywhere, anytime and in any situation.

What does Bible says?
There is a secret behind Daniel and Joseph as two servants of God; this secret has been not well discovered for a long time, is all about how these guys disciplined their bodies for God.
The power of body discipline is in the hand of man, here is where I discovered that if Christians get to know who they are, and knowing the value of their bodies there could be less evil. Also I get to know that the power of the body is in the hand of man, that body became what you command or asks it to be.

The story of Joseph
Joseph was so loved by his father, his future was in the hand of God, and the plan of God for Joseph to succeed was quite different to man’s plan. It was a bit tough, trouble and problem in his journey to the life success, the chamber was so harsh to him as if is not God’s plans but the chariot was so interested to the face of the world.
Joseph to his success life had nothing in his hand but God; he was poor even not to think about his background because of what his family did. So far neither Joseph thinking about revenge to his brother nor penetration to move out from slavery name he had.
Greatly; Joseph regardless of his slavery and poverty he gets to know who he is, and who is God in his life; he was with God than ever and God with him forever more. Joseph passed great trouble and harsh life, still the bible says in that harsh life God was with him.
Lesson from Joseph on how he disciplined his body.
1. Knew that defiling the body is greater evil, and is sin before the Lord (Genesis 39:9)
2. He knew that the power of disciplining his body was to his own mouth and action (Genesis 39; 12)
3. While is in trouble in prison, God was with him, showed him mercy and favored him. (Other people do not want favor to be leader of low standard people because to them is punishment……… (Genesis 39:21)   ).
4. Knew his boundary/ margin, tolerant and avoided short cuts. When he was (Genesis 38; 8), I thought that, because he was poor he could agree easily do lie with his master’s wife for simplicity of life, also I thought he could posses even his master’s wife as long as all things was in his hand, lastly it was opportunity to him because all things was under him either to make his life rich or anyway.
5. Genesis 41; 44. 45; 5-8 and 50: 20…………..God lifted him and he knew who was God to him, as he said you meant evil to me but it was a plan of God for me to be here for your life and the world at all.

Life is the same as racing competition, we all run as Christians but sure not all shall win. Others fail because they are listening to the audiences and some due to poor preparation or material used in running competition.
Body temperate upon racing competition
But this is facts; if you are running well know you are in competition, and then know that sometime racers tend to push each other, you should be TEMPERATE in all situations and circumstance you met with.
Body subjection upon all things
All things are good but not helpful to any person especially Christians. Christian body must be temperate and subjected, that whoever wrong may be commanded and respond for it must glorify God by doing what Jesus commanded us to do. And this is not by our power or might but spirit of God which give us authority to ask the body anything. (1Corinthians 9:24-27)
Whether Pastor or Apostle all we have to discipline the body that it may to glorify God. Failure to discipline the body there is no heaven. We may preach the gospel but forsaken by God at the last time.

Email:  danielmwaitenga@yahoo.com        
Mob: +255 768815059.

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